Home Industry Stratasys requests more details from 3D Systems for possible merger

Stratasys requests more details from 3D Systems for possible merger

In the merger negotiations between the 3D printer manufacturers Stratasys and 3D Systems, there is apparently still a need for clarification. Stratasys criticizes that 3D Systems has so far not provided sufficient information on possible synergy effects of a merger.

3D Systems had previously given a target date of August 4 for the completion of due diligence and the drafting of a merger agreement. Stratasys then said it was still waiting for concrete data from 3D Systems to make an informed assessment of the announced cost savings.

According to Stratasys, its own board needs to know all the important details in order to make a responsible decision. After all, the merger premium offered by 3D Systems consists largely of its own shares.

Stratasys also expressed its surprise that 3D Systems had suddenly declared the July 13 offer to be final. Whether this was planned from the beginning remains unclear. The Stratasys board will review each offer as a whole, taking due diligence into account, he said.

If 3D Systems has a serious interest in a merger, according to Stratasys, cooperation and transparency is the way to go – not distorted press releases. They are waiting for the requested information so they can then discuss an improved proposal.

Stratasys is currently in merger talks with Desktop Metal after 3D Systems indicated interest in acquiring Stratasys. If an agreement is reached with 3D Systems, the latter has offered to take over the Stratasys penalty.

Most recently, Nano Dimension had withdrawn its own merger intentions. Stratasys emphasized that it would continue to adhere to the terms of the contract with Desktop Metal.

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