Home 3D Printer Photocentric JENI: Modular 3D printing platform for series production

Photocentric JENI: Modular 3D printing platform for series production

Photocentric has introduced JENI, a new high-speed production system for 3D printing with photopolymer resins. The British manufacturer specializes in 3D printing resins and 3D printers. JENI is the manufacturer’s largest 3D printer to date. It is a complete platform system for series production with resin 3D printing.

The origins of JENI date back to the pandemic, when Photocentric used a stock of 3D printers to independently produce a number of parts for customers. The practical knowledge gained from this led to valuable experience for larger production systems, which resulted in JENI.

JENI is more than just a 3D printer; it is an end-to-end manufacturing system with modules for printing, washing, rinsing and curing. Customers can adapt the individual components to their throughput requirements. According to Managing Director Paul Holt, a finished printing plate can be produced every 20 seconds.

JENI achieves this high throughput by using a robot that moves the components back and forth between the modules while printing in parallel. The printer itself achieves up to 180 mm/h with certain resins. The build volume can also be adapted to customer requirements.

JENI is positioning Photocentric specifically as an alternative to injection molding systems. As there are no tooling costs, the system could be economically competitive with injection molding for certain quantities – and at the same time offer the typical advantages of additive manufacturing such as high degrees of freedom and on-demand production.

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