Home Applications & Case Studies Microsoft introduces 3D printed grips for Surface Pen

Microsoft introduces 3D printed grips for Surface Pen

Microsoft continues to push the development of inclusive technologies. At the Surface in-house exhibition, a 3D-printed grip for the Surface Pen was presented that can be customized.

According to Microsoft, the grip is intended to increase the usability of the digital pen for everyone. Users can adjust the grip shape and size to their needs, which is especially relevant for people with disabilities.

The initiative is part of Microsoft’s efforts to make technology more inclusive. Following the Xbox Adaptive Controller, which makes gaming more accessible for people with disabilities, the effort is now expanding to education and work.

The grips for the Surface Pen are produced and distributed in collaboration with Shapeways. Users can choose from a variety of designs and customization options.

According to Microsoft, the custom grips are designed to enable longer and more comfortable working and learning sessions on the tablet or laptop. The customization options are another step toward breaking down technology barriers.

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