Home Software Materialise Launches Version 19 of Mimics Innovation Suite

Materialise Launches Version 19 of Mimics Innovation Suite

3D printing software specialist Materialise has just release the latest version of the Materialise Mimics Innovation Suite, offering faster segmentation and easier FEA meshing.

Materialise Mimics Inovation Suite 19 enables engineers and researchers rapidly and reliably segment images and to achieve accurate 3D reconstruction. With new tools provided, medical images can now be segmented even faster. Additionally, robust algorithms in the mesh preparation workflow allow for high quality meshes to be achieved more easily.

Materialise explains the updates more detailed:

Faster Segmentation
Segmenting anatomy from a CT or MRI scan is the most labor-intensive part in the process of creating a patient-specific device. That’s why the new version of the Materialise Mimics Innovation Suite will enable users to perform segmentations faster through a combination of smarter editing tools and a live 3D Preview.

The Split Tool automatically splits two adjacent tissues by marking the two tissues in a few slices. Besides, it is now possible to alternate between 2D and 3D editing in a single operation. 3D models can also be fine-tuned with a more intuitive Contour Editing. With the help of the live 3D Preview, the user gets immediate feedback on the effect of all these edits on the virtual model, leading to a more streamlined and faster process.
A benchmark study shows the effect of these new functionalities on the segmentation time for various common workflows.

Easier FEA Meshing
Finite element analysis (FEA) not only permits the understanding of anatomical shapes, but also takes into account the patient’s activity, which is a crucial element for improving patient satisfaction. In order to make FEA meshing easier, the Materialise Mimics Innovation Suite 19 contains new robust algorithms, a user-friendlier interface, and a better interaction with FE solvers.

materialise_mimics_suite_19Thanks to the new uniform mesh algorithm, the triangle quality has been improved and the results require far less calculation time, even for the most complex geometries. In addition, a new non-manifold assembly algorithm was introduced, making it easier to combine multiple parts, such as a bone and an implant, in a single mesh.

The resulting high-quality meshes are ready to be used in the most common commercially available solvers, preventing users from having to iterate multiple times between different software packages.

With these improvements, it will be easier for a novice to get started with FEA meshing, while experienced users will be able to complete more challenging cases in less time.

“The grid system non-manifold assembly is a potential game changer. I will no longer have to spend hours or even days on getting complex meshes ready for FEA. This is a dream come true”, comments Dr. Jonathan Ford from the University of South Florida, USA.

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