Home Practice & Makers Maker builds Hyperloop model using 3D printing technology

Maker builds Hyperloop model using 3D printing technology

In a YouTube video Channels ProjectAir, Maker James presents an experiment with a Hyperloop model train. Originally, he wanted to test the limits of pressurized air propulsion. However, this turned into a Hyperloop-like system that transports model trains at lightning speed.

James first learned about vacuum technology from a company called Flight Rail, according to the video. Back in his workshop in the UK, he used this knowledge to build his own 1:48 scale Hyperloop models, using acrylic tubes for the vacuum tubes and aluminum for the rails.

3D printing played an important role. Various components such as brackets and wheel sets were manufactured additively. This allowed James to prototype quickly with constant improvements. However, sunlight caused deformation of the printed parts, which led to derailments.

The video is a powerful demonstration of how useful 3D printing can be in the concept phase of an engineering system. But it also highlights the importance of materials and environment in 3D printing.

Overall, James’ experiment demonstrates that remarkable results can be achieved with simple tools and 3D printing.

The full video can be viewed here:

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