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Layer by layer towards greater resource efficiency

The new brief analysis by VDI ZRE focuses on the topic of “additive manufacturing” and highlights the resource efficiency potential for SMEs.

Additive manufacturing makes it possible to build components from material layer by layer, which not only reduces the amount of material used but also minimizes waste. This method offers SMEs the opportunity to reduce production costs and work more sustainably at the same time. The design freedom made possible by additive processes allows the production of complex geometries without the use of expensive special tools, which is particularly advantageous for the development of prototypes. However, technological progress and the ongoing development of new processes are also making series production economically attractive.

The VDI ZRE analysis shows that additive manufacturing processes have the potential to increase the competitiveness of SMEs. The layer-by-layer build-up of material means that less waste is produced and it is possible to reduce inventories through on-demand production. This can lead to significant savings, particularly in product development and production. Additive manufacturing also offers advantages in the construction industry, where materials can be used more efficiently and resource-conserving construction practices can be promoted.

However, the introduction of additive manufacturing processes is also accompanied by challenges. These include the selection of the right material, the use of energy and the optimization of workspace utilization in the manufacturing process. The brief analysis provides SMEs with valuable insights into these aspects and shows how the use of 3D printing technologies can be designed not only economically but also ecologically.

Overall, additive manufacturing offers SMEs considerable opportunities to increase efficiency and sustainability. At the same time, it is important to understand the associated challenges and address them in a targeted manner in order to fully exploit the benefits of these technologies. The VDI ZRE analysis provides a sound overview and practical recommendations.

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