Home Industry IDS and APES: Partnership to accelerate 3D printed electronics production

IDS and APES: Partnership to accelerate 3D printed electronics production

Integrated Deposition Solutions Inc (IDS) and Advanced Printed Electronic Solutions (APES) have partnered to advance the development and production of 3D printed electronics.

IDS is a leading manufacturer of aerosol printing technologies, while APES specializes in engineering and manufacturing services for 3D printed electronics. Through this collaboration, the two companies aim to better align product development and manufacturing technology requirements. Proven platforms and advanced aerosol-based technologies from IDS will be used.

A key goal of the partnership is to overcome the barriers that delay the adoption of printed electronics. Customers often have to go through a variety of technologies and manufacturing systems to get from product idea to prototypes to pilot projects. This often results in the product vision not being realized due to the complexity of development and production. In addition, the product concept is often not aligned with the possibilities of 3D printed electronics, which limits the potential for innovation and differentiation.

“A strategic partnership with Advanced Printed Electronics Solutions is a tremendous opportunity to aid NanoJet users as they move their project from concept to reality. Success in printed electronics relies on a viable application, well suited materials, and a reliable printer. IDS has created an aerosol printing platform with industrial reliability and now, leveraging APES application engineering strengths, have a development pipeline for advanced manufacturing integration”, said Dov Phillips, Sales Manager for IDS. “There is a lot of momentum and excitement around aerosol printing for advanced electronics packaging, biomedical, optical, and flexible hybrid electronics, applications and having a partner like APES who will work closely with clients to hone in on these use-cases is a really great resource we can now offer our customers.”

IDS and APES will work closely together to leverage their respective strengths and overcome these challenges. They will develop a template-based printing process and an end-to-end methodology from concept to production. IDS will focus on providing leading aerosol-based platforms and modules, while APES will support customers in product definition and development as well as prototyping and pilot manufacturing.

“By bridging the gap that exists today between product engineering teams and 3D printed electronics fabrication technologies, not to mention the significant expertise required across each, I believe we can accelerate customer product development and accelerate the process required from R&D to pilot manufacturing, followed by scaling as needed for production”, remarked Rich Neill, CEO and founder of APES. “A key part of this strategy is to benefit the customer by leveraging the combined expertise between IDS and APES in engineering while incorporating proven manufacturing technologies that are reliable and hardened 3D printed electronic solutions.”

This partnership could therefore significantly increase innovation and efficiency in the development of 3D-printed electronics and accelerate the market entry of new products.

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