Home Practice & Makers How to create complex designs for 3D printing in vase mode

How to create complex designs for 3D printing in vase mode

Michael from the YouTube channel “Teaching Tech” explains in a new video how he creates 3D print models for the so-called vase mode. In this mode, the model walls are built up in a continuous spiral without separate layers.

According to Michael, vase mode is particularly suitable for decorative objects with interesting surface structures. Due to the lack of internal support structures and lids, vase mode models are often also ideal containers.

However, a few special design features must be taken into account: There may only be one closed contour per height, all surfaces must be vertical, and a flat base is mandatory.

Using simple basic shapes such as cuboids or cylinders, the YouTuber clearly demonstrates the creation and mirroring of more complex structures using Boolean operations, linear patterns or rotations. Nested elements are also possible in this way.

According to Michael, eye-catching geometric 3D printed items for decoration or lampshades can be designed in this way. His video provides a basis for experimenting with shapes, patterns, and designs specifically for the vase mode.

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