Home Applications & Case Studies How 3D printing technology is providing military and medical support to Ukraine

How 3D printing technology is providing military and medical support to Ukraine

Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, the country has been in a state of emergency. Despite many resource shortages, Ukrainians continue to demonstrate creativity and ingenuity in the fight against the aggressor.

As we have reported several times in recent weeks, the Ukrainian armed forces and volunteers are using 3D printing very successfully for military purposes. Just recently, the U.S. announced it would provide metal 3D printers to Ukraine for equipment maintenance.

But additive manufacturing is not only playing a major role militarily in Ukraine at the moment. Around the world, 3D printing is also widely used for medical purposes. In particular, the technology can offer tremendous benefits for custom fittings such as orthotics and prosthetics.

In view of the catastrophic supply situation in Ukraine, there are currently shortages everywhere, including in the medical sector. Increasingly, attempts are being made to close these gaps with the help of 3D printing. Additive manufacturing is proving to be a real game changer, especially for war casualties. As a result, various initiatives are currently emerging to produce customized orthotics and prosthetics for victims using 3D printing.

Since the start of the war, the need for prostheses for the injured has risen sharply. 3D printing is proving to be an important aid in producing prosthetic limbs for the victims in a cost-effective and efficient manner. Back in July 2022, U.S. companies Unlimited Tomorrow and Singularity Group launched a fundraising campaign for 100 prostheses. TU Delft researcher Gerwin Smit also developed a low-cost 3D-printed prosthetic hand, 350 of which have already been donated to Ukrainians.

In addition, the Canadian non-profit organization Victoria Hand Project announced plans to provide thousands of 3D-printed prostheses to the country. These initiatives show how 3D printing can play an essential role in helping affected Ukrainians regain their independence.

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