Home Industry Formnext: Milestone in the development of additive manufacturing

Formnext: Milestone in the development of additive manufacturing

In recent years, additive manufacturing has developed from a niche technology into a production method to be taken seriously. An important milestone in this development is Formnext, a leading trade fair in the field of additive manufacturing (AM), which has developed steadily since its premiere almost ten years ago.

The first Formnext in 2015 was characterized by spectacular 3D-printed designs. Today, exhibitors are focusing on specific industrial applications.

“Throughout the industry, the return on investment is becoming more and more of a focus every year, alongside overall technological solutions. The phase in which many companies tried out additive manufacturing and purchased AM systems just to have the technology in-house is clearly over,” explains Sascha F. Wenzler, Vice President Formnext at the organizer Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH.

The diversity of user industries is impressive. 3D printers can now be found in dental laboratories, on construction sites, in machine and aircraft manufacturing, on oil rigs and even on the International Space Station (ISS). Formnext addresses these diverse users year-round with a wide range of content, including Fon Mag, the AM Field Guide and Formnext.TV. This ongoing commitment is crucial, as 3D printing has also established itself at many vertical trade fairs, where it is usually only a marginal topic.

Despite the different user industries, the brand essence of Formnext remains additive manufacturing and its entire process chain. In addition to 3D printers, this also includes software, materials, services, post-processing and quality assurance.

“It requires the upstream and downstream process steps. And these should also be suitable for the respective application. Formnext offers precisely this diversity,” explains Dr.-Ing. Markus Heering, Managing Director of the Additive Manufacturing Working Group in the VDMA and a long-standing member of the Formnext Exhibitor Advisory Board.

Formnext also offers an extensive lecture program that highlights the latest technologies and developments in industrial 3D printing. Seminars such as Discover3Dprinting are aimed at beginners and offer the necessary know-how. These comprehensive offerings enable Formnext to constantly tap into new target groups, which is of great importance to exhibitors.

With this unique concept, Formnext is also expanding internationally and offers locally adapted formats in relevant AM markets such as the USA, Japan and China.

“In all these countries, we see huge potential for companies that have not yet come into contact with additive manufacturing or have not yet taken advantage of this fascinating technology. With our brand formats, we are helping to tap into this potential,” says Petra Haarburger, President of Mesago Messe Frankfurt.

Formnext is therefore not just a trade fair, but a central hub for the global AM community and a driving force for the further development of additive manufacturing.

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