Home Applications & Case Studies CRP USA develops 3D-printed racing gloves for Paralympic champion

CRP USA develops 3D-printed racing gloves for Paralympic champion

CRP USA, a leading 3D printing services company, has collaborated with eight-time Paralympic gold medalist Tatyana McFadden to develop innovative 3D printed racing gloves. These gloves, manufactured using Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and the composite material Windform XT 2.0, set new standards for top-level sports equipment.

Wheelchair racing requires exceptional performance from athletes due to the high frictional resistance between hand and wheel. Traditional gloves could not meet the demands of athletes like Tatyana McFadden, who previously relied on standard form kits. These methods struggled to produce gloves that could withstand the intense stresses of racing as well as provide precision and comfort.

Tatyana recalls, “My first wheelchair racing gloves were called ‘harness gloves’. They were shaped like thumbs and made of heavy-duty fabric with rubber padding. Their softness made me feel the impact every time I hit the hand ring. By the 2008 Paralympic Games, my team and I began making hard gloves. We would take plastic beads, melt them in a pot of boiling water, and then mould the plastic to my hands. This process took days to perfect. Sometimes we would have to start over and throw the whole plastic glove back in the water. Once perfected, I did not let the gloves out of my sight because they would melt if left in the car or in the heat for too long. Over time, the plastic would wear down, so we made the gloves thick, but they were heavy.”

“After a friend of mine told me about CRP USA,” Tatyana adds, “I reached out to them and shared my story. I was so excited when I met everyone in person. They are an incredible partner and have really helped me so much. Not just in their innovation but the confidence they gave me since I do not have to worry about the performance of my racing gloves.”

The requirements for the new gloves were manifold: they not only had to be strong and durable, but also light, stiff and resistant to wear and weather influences. Tatyana emphasizes that the CRP USA engineers understood and implemented all of her needs.

After several meetings, Tatyana and the CRP USA team decided on laser-sintering technology and the Windform XT 2.0 material, which is known for its superior mechanical properties that ensure the gloves can withstand the constant, high friction of wheelchair use. In addition, the flexibility and shock absorption properties of Windform XT 2.0 provide maximum comfort, allowing Tatyana to concentrate fully on her performance.

Nathan “Nate” Baker, Senior Project Coordinator at CRP USA, explains, “Throughout her career, Tatyana found that the quality and detail of her gloves were just not up to the high standard she needed. That’s when the Windform range of composites for 3D printing, created by our Italian partner CRP Technology, came into play. At CRP USA, we have tried several different Windform materials for her, with the gold standard becoming Windform XT 2.0.”

By using SLS and Windform XT 2.0, the weight of the gloves was reduced to around 100 grams, which corresponds to a weight reduction of 50% compared to conventional gloves.

The collaboration between CRP USA and Tatyana McFadden focuses on continuous improvement, especially in terms of grip and comfort in different weather conditions. This partnership ensures that Tatyana always has access to the latest developments in additive manufacturing technology, keeping her competitive edge.

Tatyana was very satisfied with the outcome: “I remember using the gloves in Windform XT 2.0 for the very first time on the track and on the road,” she says. “I was so impressed by how light and durable they were. My hands felt so light, it felt like I wasn’t holding onto anything. When I first put my hands into the glove, it was so smooth. They had also built in two holes where I could strap on the gloves to my hands instead of using additional clips.”

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