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Hive: University of Waterloo unveils new student project

The University of Waterloo has unveiled its new "Hive" project, designed and developed by students as a permanent exhibit for the reception area of...

US students practice surgery on 3D-printed bodies

Faced with rising monetary and environmental costs of obtaining, transporting and storing cadavers for teaching purposes, two University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS)...

3DPFIX: AI troubleshooting system for 3D printing beginners

Researchers have developed an AI-based troubleshooting system called "3DPFIX" for 3D printing newcomers, which aims to make it easier to get started in the...

US researchers develop 3D-printed prosthesis that is controlled by brain waves

At Northern Kentucky University, students and professors from various disciplines are working on a 3D-printed robotic arm that is controlled via WiFi and the...

Team 3D prints edible QR codes with food printer

A research team from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) has developed a method for producing and designing customized food products. The team...

3D-Printed Rocket Engine by University of Sheffield Students breaks Record

A liquid rocket engine - similar to that used by space pioneers such as SpaceX - has been 3D printed by students at the...

Researchers at Michigan Tech to 3D Print Nerve Cells

Researchers at the Michigan Technological University are currently developing a method that could be a significant breakthrough in regenerating nerve cells. With their newly acquired...

3D Printed snakeskin structure shows Potential for Industrial Use in Mechanical Traction

Nature offers a broad spectrum of sophisticated designs, forms and structures which proved to be useful through evolution. To study efficient locomotion, snakes are...

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