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Scientists Made A Database Of 3D Models From Fish Skeletons

Adam Summers wants to make a database of skeletons from all fish - a huge challenge. Summers is a professor of comparative biomechanics at the...

Researchers Improve Toughness of 3D Printed Bone Implants

A research project of Nottingham Trent University's Design for Health and Wellbeing Research Group aims to improve the toughness of synthetic bone substitutes. In order to provide...

Scientists Published Paper About Ultra-fine Particles Emitted By 3D Printers

To test out which 3D printers and which filaments are the biggest source of fine particles in the air around, these scientists set up...

Afraid Of 3D Printed Keys? – Watch this Talk of Eric Wustrow Than Will Be!

If you are following the news about 3D printing you probably heard of news about 3D printed keys that can be easily and cheaply...

Researchers Create Acoustic Tweezers to Move 3D Printed Cells

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have created acoustic tweezers that allow for 3D bioprinted cells to be moved more effectively and safely. The paper titled...

Neri Oxman At The World Economic Forum In Davos

As a participant of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Neri Oxman gives us a glimpse at a bright and interesting future. The world should be...

Harvard Researchers 4D Print Flower Structures That Change Shape

Scientists at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering and the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have developed a 4D printing...

If We Are Going To Mars – The Materials We Will Build Houses Should Already Be There And They...

At least Elon Musk wants to go to Mars. But what happens if we are there and want to start building a base or...

NanoDrip Technology Could Be Used In The Production Of Touchscreens

Researcher from ETH Zürich and Scrona, a spin-off of the university, managed to develop a technology for placing nano drops. This so called NanoDrip technology...

Florida Atlantic University Receives NIH Grant to Develop 3D Printed Drug Delivery Stent

Bioengineers at the Florida Atlantic University (FAU) will develop a new treatment for esophageal cancer. The stent, 3D printed from biodegradable polymer, is designed to prevent complications...

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