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Syqe Medical Introduces 3D Printed WIFI Enabled Marijuana Inhaler

The Tel Aviv based company Syqe Medical developed a 3D printed inhaler, which could help doctors to control the marijuana dose of their patients. There...

3D Systems´s CEO Avi Reichental Speaks at TED

3D Systems CEO, Avi Reichental talks about the future of additive manufacturing and how it touches people´s life. In his ten minute long talk he...

Open-Source Hardware Library for Scientists and Doctors

A science team led by Joshua Pearce at the Michigan Tech describes in their paper how an open-source library of syringe pump designs could reduce...

3D Systems Introduces New Simbionix Virtual Reality Surgical Simulation Training Module

3D Systems announced a new Simbionix ultrasound training module for the practise of transvaginal ultrasound exams. Demonstrations of the new module can be seen...

Ultimaker Now Assembles Directly in the U.S.

The 3D-Printer manufacturer from the Netherlands now assembles directly in the U.S. As reported yesterday Ultimaker now announced the partnership with fbrc8, who will assemble...

Australian Scientist Develops New 3D Printing Method for Tissue Engineering

Shannon Bakarich, PhD student at the University of Wollongong in Austrialia, has developed a method to 3D print fibre enforced hydrogel for tissue engineering. Since...

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