Practice & Makers

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YouTuber tests thermoplastic elastomers in 3D printing

Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) are becoming increasingly important in 3D printing. This group of materials combines the processability of thermoplastics with the elastic properties of...

Pearl introduces new cordless 3D printer pen FreeSculpt 3D-free V2

The German retailer Pearl presents the FreeSculpt 3D-free V2, a portable 3D printer pen that enables three-dimensional drawing without cables. The compact device with...

Maker demonstrates 3D printing of emergency torch

Emergency equipment for power outages is standard in many households. An innovative approach now combines 3D printing with simple electrochemistry to create a torch...

3D Print Your Own Glowing Lantern To Go

Instructables was hit with a new interesting project - a wireless 3D printed lantern. The lantern was made out of wood filament what gives the...

Maker presents 3D model for retro computer from the 3D printer

Maker Salim Benbouziyane recently presented an interesting project in which he built a functioning retro computer in miniature format. Inspired by the typical beige...

3D-printed magnetic switch: Simple solution for switchable permanent magnets

Permanent magnets are not normally considered to be switchable. However, maker Andrew Klein has developed a clever method to circumvent this principle. Using 3D...

Produce spare parts yourself with 3D printer: CAD or 3D scan, which is more efficient?

In a new video, YouTuber Thomas Sanladerer compares two ways to repair a defective toilet part using 3D printing: Digitizing it using a 3D...

Guitar maker demonstrates the 3D printing of a guitar with an unusual design

Guitar designer Mark Gutierrez has realised an innovative project: a 3D-printed electric guitar in the style of a Rhoads V with a unique, layered...

YouTuber presents free 3D printed models for differential gears

In a recent video, YouTuber Robert Murray-Smith demonstrates the diversity of differential gears and their potential for 3D printing. Differential gears, known from the...

One Hundred Tokyo – Japans 3D Printed Capital Hits Kickstarter

The Japanese 3D printing service iJet started a Kickstarter campaign for an art project to 3D print Tokyo. With your investment of around 100$ you get...

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