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Service Provider Sculpteo Now Accepts Over 30 File Formats for 3D Printing

3D printing service provider Sculpteo recently decided to integrate more than 10 new native 3D file formats to their uploading tool. Users have now the...

Planetary Resources and 3D Systems Print Metal Form Space

Planetary Resources is a mining company in a totally different way of what you would expect a mining company to be - they want...

Inside 3D Printing 2016 in Düsseldorf – B2B Conference Alongside METAV

Inside 3D Printing, B2B conference for 3D printing and additive manufacturing, will take place on February 24th and 25th, alongside the METAV 2016 in...

Audi Supports Part Time Scientists with its Race to the Moon

Part Time Scientists (PTS) is a team from Germany that is competing for Google´s Lunar X Price. It gets support from SLM Solutions and now...

Filmstudio Laika Gets Scientific And Engineering Award

The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), famous for its annual Oscars Awards, awards Laika for pioneering rapid prototyping and 3D printing...

RepRapPro is shutting down as competition for low-cost 3D printers gets crowded

Adrian Bowyer brought us the idea of an self-replicating machine and started the hype around open source and the RepRap movement. Under the RepRapPro brand...

Cost-o-Meter Supports 3D Printing Service Providers with Quotation Tool

Cost-o-Meter is offering software licences to businesses interested in adding 3D printing to their services or beginning a 3D print business by providing an easy-to-use comprehensive...

3D Systems Discontinues Production of Cube Consumer 3D Printers

Manufacturer 3D Systems announced that it will discontinue production of its consumer 3D printer, the Cube. According to a recent press release, "the move reflects management's...

Avio Aero Orders 10 Arcam EBM 3D Printing Systems

Arcam has received its largest single order ever for their proprietary EBM systems from Avio Aero, a GE Aviation subsidiary.  The Italy-based company is working...

Additive Industries Sells First MetalFAB1 System to Airbus APWorks

Airbus Group subsidiary Airbus APWorks has placed an order with Additive Industries for their first industrial 3D metal printing system, MetalFAB1. Airbus APWorks is the...

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