Applications & Case Studies

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Engineers 3D Print Prototype of 2000 Ton Bridge

Warsaw-based design company YLE Engineers turned to 3D printing to successfully complete one of their projects: A 2,000 ton bridge crossing the Martwa Wisla river...

Production of Sensor mounting with LCM-Technology

Sensor mounting parts are used in the field of measurement and testing technology frequently under extreme conditions. Beside high thermal and chemical resistance the...

Pneumatic intracardiac-catheder-pump with high-performance ceramics

Currently available heart pumps use an electrical power unit (stimulus) which leads to heat development causing possible damage of blood corpuscles. Projekt Assistocor (TU Vienna,...

A new type of static mixer with variable channel design

In order to mix two or more components together, static mixers are used for many areas of chemical processes and techniques. Concerning microsystems the...

OBI 0.5 – Bike Project to Design DIY 3D Printed Bicycle

Industrial design students Stef de Groot and Paul De Medeiros from Amsterdam, are currently designing the first 3D printed open source bicycle as part...

VULCAN Is The World’s Largest 3D Printed Structure

Currently displayed at Beijing Design Week 2015, VULCAN is the world largest 3D printed pavilion according to Guinness World Records. The architectural structure consisting of...

Jewel Bracelet made of High-Performance-Ceramics

Established Viennese souvenirs quite often lack in finesse, temporary design demands and esprit. But Vienna has more to offer than Mozart, Sissy and Klimt....

Mcor 3D Prints Full-Colour Bust of President Obama

Irish paper 3D printer manufacturer, Mcor, has created a full-colour model of President Obama. The model is based on a 3D scan of the president, that...

Adidas Steps Into the Future with 3D Printed Footwear

Adidas has teamed up with 3D printing specialist Materialise to offer custom footwear to their clients by introducing Futurecraft 3D, a 3D printed running shoe...

3D Printed SEIKO Xchanger Eyewear Collection Awarded at Silmo Paris

For their 3D printed Xchanger eyewear collection, SEIKO Optical Europe has won the Silmo d'Or award for excellence in optical innovation in the sport...

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