Home Research & Education 3D printing with supercooled liquids promises high printing speed

3D printing with supercooled liquids promises high printing speed

Researchers at the Graz University of Technology and Pro2Future have developed a new 3D printing process using supercooled salt hydrate solutions. According to a study in the journal “Additive Manufacturing,” this enables very high printing speeds.

In the process, salt hydrate solutions are cooled below their crystallization temperature shortly before the printing process. The paste-like liquid is then deposited layer by layer. The supercooling causes the material to crystallize very quickly.

The researchers led by Dr. Markus Brillinger were able to confirm the theoretical principles of the novel 3D printing process. Factors such as viscosity and surface tension of the solution as well as the nozzle speed are decisive.

According to the study, printing speeds significantly higher than those of common 3D printing processes are possible with the method. Sodium acetate trihydrate was used as the material. The researchers see great potential to use other salt hydrates for high-speed 3D printing.

The paper, entitled “3D printing of supercooled liquids: modeling and verification on sodium acetate trihydrate,” can be read here.

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