Home Materials 3D printing with ceramics: study shows massive growth into billion-dollar business

3D printing with ceramics: study shows massive growth into billion-dollar business

The market research company VoxelMatters Research has published two new studies on 3D printing with ceramic materials. The reports distinguish between technical and traditional ceramics and analyze the key manufacturers, materials and service providers in each case.

According to the studies, the market for technical ceramics is expected to grow from $113 million in 2022 to $2 billion in 2032. Traditional ceramics and sand casting are forecast to grow from $137 billion to $1.7 billion.

The technical ceramics study is more than 200 pages long. It analyzed 108 companies, including 24 printer manufacturers, 40 material suppliers and 44 service providers. The most important technology is VAT photopolymerization. Leading hardware suppliers are Lithoz, 3DCeram, Desktop Metal, iLaser and XJet.

In traditional ceramics for large molds, 63 companies with more than 9,000 data points were surveyed. The binder jetting process dominates here. ExOne, voxeljet, HumTown Additive and KOCEL are leading manufacturers.

According to study author Francesco Pulimeni of VoxelMatters, the new reports reflect the different characteristics of the two ceramic segments. Technical ceramics target small high-performance parts, he said, while traditional ceramics target large molds for casting.

Market research shows that both segments have strong growth potential, he said. However, suitable materials, hardware and manufacturing processes are crucial, he said. Companies that combine these factors correctly can make the most of the benefits of 3D printing for ceramic applications.

The studies provide a detailed overview of the ceramic 3D printing industry. Both manufacturers and users can derive valuable information about technologies, materials, service providers and market potential.

The reports “Technical Ceramic AM Market 2023” and “Traditional Ceramic & Sand AM Market 2023” can be pre-ordered from the official site.

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