Home Applications & Case Studies 3D-printed prostheses for dogs inspire in iPhone commercial

3D-printed prostheses for dogs inspire in iPhone commercial

The company 3D Pets produces individual prostheses for dogs and other animals using 3D printing. In a commercial for the iPhone 14 Pro, Apple now shows moving examples of dogs with 3D-printed prostheses.

The clip, titled “The Invincibles,” prominently features Trip the dog, who had to have a front paw amputated. Thanks to a custom prosthetic from 3D Pets, he can run, play and frolic again. Other dogs with prosthetics are also featured in the promotional video, which was shot entirely with the iPhone 14 Pro.

3D Pets is a nonprofit organization that specializes in 3D-printed prosthetics and custom designs for animals. After an individual impression of the animal is taken, the prosthetic is 3D printed and fitted. According to 3D Pets, this can significantly improve the animals’ quality of life.

However, after a prosthesis is fitted, the animals often still require training. This is because wearing and walking with the replacement limb must first be learned. The prostheses are also not intended to be worn permanently, but to support mobility during activities such as walks.

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