Home Applications & Case Studies 3D printed dummy turtles to protect desert tortoises

3D printed dummy turtles to protect desert tortoises

There is an imbalance in the ecosystem of the Mojave Desert in the USA. Corvids are increasingly eating the young of the endangered desert tortoises. To counteract this, the startup Hardshell Labs developed artificial turtle dummies together with designer Frank Guercio. These are designed to scare away the ravens using an integrated mechanism.

Using 3D printing, the dummies faithfully mimic the shape of the turtle’s shell. On contact with a beak-pecking raven, they release artificial grape scent. This scent repels birds without hurting them.

According to designer Guercio, the detailed recreation of the complex carapace geometry was only possible using Fusion 360 3D CAD software. The software allowed him to import the organic turtle shape and convert it into an editable 3D model. It was then able to integrate structures inside for the scent mechanism.

The project’s initiator sees fake turtles as a promising new avenue for species conservation. Given the rapid pace of technological development, such bio-inspired solutions could be used more frequently in the future. They protect endangered species without harming predators.

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