Home Applications & Case Studies 3D print immortalizes Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen on Kurfürstendamm

3D print immortalizes Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen on Kurfürstendamm

The famous Kurfürstendamm in Berlin has a new attraction: a transparent, illuminated bust of the world-famous discoverer of X-rays, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, now adorns the boulevard. The bust was placed in an antique display case in front of the radiology practice of PD Dr. Rainer Röttgen and his colleagues.

The idea to honor Röntgen in this way came from Dr. Röttgen and his team. The aim was to pay tribute to Röntgen’s scientific legacy and at the same time set a new visual accent. EXCIT3D GmbH was commissioned to implement the project. In order to realize the bust, the company used a high-precision 3D scan that was created a few years ago by the company Klostermann Messtechnik from Remscheid for the German Röntgen Museum.

Klostermann Messtechnik and the Deutsches Röntgen Museum are long-standing partners of EXCIT3D GmbH in various augmented reality projects. This collaboration has made it possible to present the Nobel Prize winner Röntgen in an innovative way. EXCIT3D GmbH’s task was not only 3D printing, but also the detailed preparation of the scan data.

The result is an approximately 40 cm high, transparent model that now enriches the Kurfürstendamm. The bust was produced using state-of-the-art 3D printing technology, which makes it possible to precisely reproduce fine details and the transparency of the model. The integrated lighting enhances the visual effect and makes the bust an eye-catcher, especially at dusk and at night.

This project once again demonstrates the potential of 3D printing to honor historical figures in an innovative way and at the same time aesthetically enhance urban environments.

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