Home Software 123D Creature: Create Monster on iPad with Autodesk App

123D Creature: Create Monster on iPad with Autodesk App

Autodesk presents 123D creature, an iPad app you can easily create monsters with.

By using this app abstract figures can be created with a finger swipe, painted and printed on request. The 3D characters are formed based on a “skeleton-builder” and in doing so the software ensures symmetry independently. A number of pictures can be imported and applied to the monster’s skin. In addition you can make use of the community’s templates, browse for inspiration or share your own monster with others.

Modelled objects can be exported as .OBJ files.
Autodesk 123D Creature is part of 3D-Software Serie Autodesk 123D.

The App can be purchased in the iTunes Store for €1.79.

(c) Picture & Link: Autodesk 123D Creature

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